Waypoint Lists

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Showing 91 to 105 of 562 entries.
Code Name Description Lat Lon Style
TANE Taneatua R/J Road Junction -3802.932 17659.108 Waypoint
TASE Taupo Start E Road Junction -3834.113 17613.496 Waypoint
TEPH Te Pohue Road Junction -3915.000 17640.750 Waypoint
TUHI Tuhitarata Road Junction -4118.355 17516.424 Waypoint
WAKR Waikeria Road Junction -3807.429 17523.020 Waypoint
NAPJ National Park R/J Road Junction -3910.609 17524.140 Waypoint
WEBE Weber Road Junction -4024.072 17618.678 Waypoint
OTWA Otway Road Jtn -3729.383 17536.433 Waypoint
TIHO Tihoi Road Intersection -3837.600 17543.333 Waypoint
TIRA Tirau R/J Road Intersection -3759.083 17546.083 Waypoint
MORR Morrinsville Road Intersection -3740.083 17532.550 Waypoint
WATO Waitoa Road Intersection -3735.750 17538.167 Waypoint
HIKU Hikutaia Road Int -3716.133 17539.267 Waypoint
HAUT Hautotara Road Bridge -4117.795 17528.519 Waypoint
HOPL Hopelands Road Bridge -4021.565 17557.702 Waypoint